Summer Time

Finally it’s here it’s summer
Now there is no bummer
People are swimming
they wont be forgetting
They’re getting a tan
Some are waving their fans
They’re playing with their dogs
making towers wit5h some logs

Times and Division

What I learned about times is that its just  counting by 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, and many more and you need to do times sometimes to solve math problems it well make you smarter and that is good.

What I learned about division is that its just finding the number that can group the number you’re dividing with you can solve math problems  with this to and you can be smart to be smart and being smart is vary good.

ROW Your Site

A Yorshire terrier is so small its weight is under 7 pounds and height is 6to7 inches. It’s some times called Yorkie. It has  so much energy and it likes to bark. It rather like older childeren than yonger ones. It likes  its oners than strangers. It also likes warm weather than cold weather. It lives to 12 to 15 years. It needs to be brushed 3 times a week. htt//www.fact 4